Coastal Clean-Up? Clean A Mangrove!

Malaysia is blessed with wide spans of mangroves lining our coastlines (Fig. 1). These emerald green ecosystems are unique to the tropics and is home to diverse forms of flora and fauna.

Calling All Cat Parents… This is for you!

Having a cat at home brings lots of joy and peace to our lives. This baby fur is a wonderful creation of God (Allah). According to several studies, children with autism and self-esteem problems, as well as people with heart issues, anxiety, stress, and suffering from depression had shown gradual improvement after living with a cat.

A Nexus Approach to Water, Energy and Food Sustainability

A balancing act of utilising the three critical resources for sustaining life.

Water, energy, food — all are essential to human life and all interconnected. However, achieving water, energy, and food security for everyone is the greatest challenge humankind faces today. It’s a delicate balancing act!

Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think

It’s not about being scarce but it’s about accessibility.

Imagine the world with sufficient water, food, energy and other basic needs for anyone on earth. It seems utopian, unfeasible, especially in times of crisis. But according to Peter Diamandis, author of ‘Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think’ and founder of X Prize Foundation, that reality is not far off.

Moving towards smarter food packaging methods

THE manufacturing sector is moving towards the 4.0 Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). This will eventually cause an impact on the food supply chain, especially the packaging industry.